seeding cantaloups at 3 miles per hr.
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are all being planted with the "Polyplanter" with good success. For example, it would take many hours to seed cucumbers by hand through plastic and also the yield difference between cucumbers on plastic and bare ground is well documented, as with most of the crops mention above. Much time and labor is being saved by using the "Polyplanter". Also, as with cantalopes and muskmelons where transplants have been used,  most growers are only seeing at most three to five day difference between transplants and direct seeding using plastic and this difference can easly be overcome by using IRT GREEN  plastic. Direct seeded crops show a yield increase over transplants. Many growers are now using the "Polyplanter" in conjuction with plastic on raised beds and drip irrigation, with tremendous results. Growers that are using the "Polyplanter" for watermelons are dropping two seeds per hole every 26" . Most of those who are planting cucumbers are dropping three seeds per hole every 13" with two planters on a bed of plastic.
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